How APEX Processes Various Conditions and Validations
I was recently teaching an Intro to APEX course and the students had some questions about what to put in the Expression 1 text area for different conditions and validations based on the Type selected. If you're new to APEX the various options can be confusing.
To help clear things up I've included a list of the various APEX conditions and validations along with code that demonstrates how APEX processes the value in Expression 1 based on the given Type. I didn't include the definition for each type as they are already well documented in the APEX documentation and popup help._Note: the calls to DBMSOUTPUT are there to show you if the validation/condition is true or false.
DECLARE l_rows pls_integer; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO l_rows FROM ( -- Start Expression 1 SELECT 1 FROM emp WHERE sal > :p1_sal -- End Expression 1 ); IF l_rows > 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); END IF; END; /**Not Exists**
DECLARE l_rows pls_integer; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO l_rows FROM ( -- Start Expression 1 SELECT 1 FROM emp WHERE sal > :p1_sal -- End Expression 1 ); IF l_rows = 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); END IF; END; /**SQL Expression** _Note: SQL Expression and PL/SQL Expression are very similar but some SQL expressions can't be used in PL/SQL. Example: Decode_
DECLARE l_rows pls_integer; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO l_rows FROM dual WHERE -- Start Expression 1 :p1_sal > 500 -- End Expression 1 ; IF l_rows = 1 THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); END IF; END; /**PL/SQL Expression**
DECLARE BEGIN IF ( -- Start Expression 1 :p1_sal > 500 -- End Expression 1 ) THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); END IF; END; /**PL/SQL Function Returning Boolean**
DECLARE FUNCTION f_apex_condtion RETURN boolean AS BEGIN -- Start Expression 1 DECLARE l_rows pls_integer; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_rows FROM emp WHERE JOB = 'PRESIDENT'; IF l_rows > 1 THEN -- only want at most 1 president RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END IF; END; -- End Expression 1 END; BEGIN IF f_apex_condtion THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); END IF; END; /**_Conditions Only_** **Function Returning Error Text**
DECLARE l_err_msg varchar2(4000); FUNCTION f_apex_condtion RETURN varchar2 AS BEGIN -- Start Expression 1 DECLARE l_rows pls_integer; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_rows FROM emp WHERE JOB = 'PRESIDENT'; IF l_rows > 1 THEN RETURN 'Only 1 president can exist for the company'; ELSE RETURN NULL; -- no error END IF; END; -- End Expression 1 END; BEGIN l_err_msg := f_apex_condtion; IF l_err_msg IS NULL THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE - Error message: ' || l_err_msg); END IF; END; /**PL/SQL Error**
DECLARE PROCEDURE sp_apex_condtion AS BEGIN -- Start Expression 1 DECLARE l_rows pls_integer; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_rows FROM emp WHERE JOB = 'PRESIDENT'; IF l_rows > 1 THEN raise_application_error(-20001, 'Only 1 president can exist for the company'); END IF; END; -- End Expression 1 END; BEGIN sp_apex_condtion; dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); exception WHEN others THEN dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); -- Error message is defined in the validation's error message END; /