How to Select an Optional Value

Sometimes in your PL/SQL code you need to query a table which may or may not contain what you're looking for. This post will cover some different ways of doing it.

The problem

Suppose you need to find an employee's ID named SAM. If he doesn't exist in the table then insert a new employee record.

Side note: Technically you can use a merge statement for this functionality but want to highlight that a row may not be found.

  l_empno emp.empno%type;
  select e.empno
  into l_empno
  from emp e
  where e.ename = 'SAM';

  if l_empno is null then
    -- ... insert new emp
  end if;

  -- ...

-- Errors
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 4
1.     00000 -  "no data found"

An error is raised if the employee (SAM in this case) isn't found. Here are some options to get around this.

Explicit exception block

This is the most correct way to know if the value exists or not. Some don't like to use this approach as it can clutter code (due to additional lines of code), on the positive side it is very explicit.

  l_empno emp.empno%type;

    select e.empno
    into l_empno
    from emp e
    where e.ename = 'SAM';
    when no_data_found then 
      l_empno := null;


Using max

Using an aggregate function will always return a value even if no rows are returned. For example:

select nvl(max(dummy), 'still returns value') val
from dual
where 1=2 -- Always false

still returns value

Using this logic with the base example we can do:

  l_empno emp.empno%type;

  select max(e.empno)
  into l_empno
  from emp e
  where e.ename = 'SAM';


I've used this in the past, however it comes with a caveat. If used on a column that isn't unique it will still return one value. If multiple values are present (ex: all emps who's job is MANAGER) it can lead to false positives.

Using left join

Similar to the previous option, selecting from dual (always returns a row) we can left join to optionally find the value.

  l_empno emp.empno%type;

  select e.empno
  into l_empno
  from dual
    left join emp e on 1=1
      and e.ename = 'SAM';


I prefer this approach compared to the max approach since if multiple values are possible an error is returned (which in most cases we want):

  l_empno emp.empno%type;
  select e.empno
  into l_empno
  from dual
    left join emp e on 1=1
     and e.job = 'MANAGER' -- Will return multiple values

-- Error
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-06512: at line 5