In Oracle the listagg
function is limited to 4000
characters. If the resulting string exceeds 4000
characters then an error is raised. Example:
data as (
-- Generates:
-- - Numbers each 20 digits in length
-- - Alpha numeric strings 20 characters in length
trunc(dbms_random.value() * power(10, 20)) num,
dbms_random.string('x', 20) str
from dual
connect by level <= 10000
listagg(d.num, ',') within group (order by d.num asc) all_nums,
listagg(d.str, ',') within group (order by d.num asc) all_strs
from data d
-- Raises
01489. 00000 - "result of string concatenation is too long"
*Cause: String concatenation result is more than the maximum size.
*Action: Make sure that the result is less than the maximum size.
Error at Line: 0 Column: 0
You can control whether an error is raised (on overflow error
) or truncate (on overflow truncate ...
) the string using the listagg_overflow_clause
. The truncate
solution still doesn't solve the issue if you have a lot of content you want to concatenate.
An alternative approach is to use json_arrayagg
along with the returning clob
option. This trick only works in the following conditions:
Numbers, dates, etc (i.e. structured date types)
For strings they have some known format and do not contain quotes or commas
The example above can be converted from listagg
to json_arrayagg
data as (
trunc(dbms_random.value() * power(10, 20)) num,
dbms_random.string('x', 20) str
from dual
connect by level <= 10000
json_arrayagg(d.num returning clob) json_array_nums,
json_arrayagg(d.str returning clob) json_array_strs
from data d
-- Returns
-- [16390942703930704741,72925476174569629179,98810344353460307813,...]
-- ["OJV24DVTF6EIF80F76NE","CY6T5L8S3BZW2CN0CHJY",...]
The result still contains the square brackets and quotes around the strings. To remove them to just have comma delimited list we can use regular expressions (can also do with a few replace
data as (
trunc(dbms_random.value() * power(10, 20)) num,
dbms_random.string('x', 20) str
from dual
connect by level <= 10000
-- Note: the order of the square brackets in the regexp string: []["] matters
-- as SQL doesn't require escaping strings within square bracket operators
regexp_replace(json_arrayagg(d.num returning clob), '[]["]', '') nums,
regexp_replace(json_arrayagg(d.str returning clob), '[]["]', '') strs
from data d
-- Returns
-- 16390942703930704741,72925476174569629179,98810344353460307813,...