APEX 4.0 Interactive Reports - Customize Wait Display

Over a year ago I wrote about how to customize the APEX IR wait logo (http://www.talkapex.com/2009/04/apex-interactive-reports-customize-wait_28.html). If you read that post you'll notice it's quite lengthy and can be intimidating if you're new to JavaScript.

With APEX 4.0 this is a lot easier to do since they're plugins to declaratively add this functionality. This post will go over how to customize the APEX IR Wait logo in APEX 4.0. You can try a demo here: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=20195:3200

- Create an IR report region

    SELECT e.*, SUM (e.sal) OVER () test
      FROM emp e
- Install Plugin

- Create Show Dynamic Action

  • RClick on the IR region and click "Create Dynamic Action:
  • Advanced
  • Name: Show IR Wait
  • Next
  • Event: Before Refresh
  • Selection Type: DOM Object
  • DOM Object: apexir_WORKSHEET_REGION
  • Note: We're using the DOM object and not the region since we can port this example to Page 0 and it will apply to all your IRs
  • Next
  • Action: Select Simple Modal - Show
  • You can modify some of the plugin attributes here if you'd like
  • Next
  • Selection Type: DOM Object
  • DOM Object: apexir_LOADER
  • Create

- Create Close Dynamic Action

  • RClick on the IR region and click "Create Dynamic Action:
  • Advanced
  • Name: Close IR Wait
  • Event: After Refresh
  • Selection Type: DOM Object
  • DOM Object: apexir_WORKSHEET_REGION
  • Next
  • Action: Select Simple Modal - Close
  • Create

Now when you run the IR it'll make the screen modal while it's reloading the data. If you want to run on all IRs then you can add this dynamic action to Page 0.

If you run the demo in a console-enabled browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) you'll notice that the plugin includes some additional debug information. I'll be posting the logging JavaScript package that was used in the plugin soon.